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✨ H E L ✨

✨ Mare

✨ Born 2016

✨ 1,41 high

✨ 4 gaiter

Hel is an amazing 4 gaited mare. Great gaits and super mindset. She has the whole package. Could fit for luxury riding, competition and/or breeding! You can choose what you want 😉

She was shown in FIZO last year (2024) and received 8,5 for tölt, trot, gallop, spirit and general impression. I think it would be really fun to bring her to the sport track and also she could fit for Gæðingakeppni 🤩

Hel would be super for breeding. Her mother was a LM WINNER 🥇🏆 in 6 y/o mares at LM2016 Jörð fra Koltursey. Jörð received 9,0 for tölt, spirit, general impression and walk and in total for ridden abilities she received 8,78!

Hel’s father is the super 🥇 prize stallion Lexus frá Vatnsleysu which has received 🥇 prize for offspring’s. Lexus has received 9,0 for tölt, trot, spirit and general impression. He has given many great offspring’s for example Lydía frá Eystri-Hól which is a SUPER SUPER horse received 9,5 for tölt, trot and general impression and 🔟 for spirit 💥

Here you have the opportunity to get a mare with the whole Package. It’s the horse that family members fight over training 😅 everyone want to ride Hel 🥰

Don’t let this opportunity pass buy. To get more information about this black princess press “contact me” here above ⬆️


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