My name is Ragnhildur Haraldsdóttir, better known as Ragga Ha. The short story is I grew up in a small town called Mosfellsbær, just outside of Reykjavík, Iceland. I later decided to reference the origin of my horse breeding identity to honor my town f.i. Úlfur from Mosfellsbær.
I have been riding since early childhood and have always been highly interested in horses, equestrian sports, and everything that relates to and involves these magnificent animals.
I studied at Hólar University and graduated as a Riding instructor C the year 2011. Since then, I have worked as a professional trainer and coach. I train, compete, teach, enjoy, and sell horses. I feel privileged, I love my occupation, sport, animals, and everything that my profession offers. I am blessed and inspired with a deep passion for my work. I thoroughly enjoy and regard every challenge and opportunity in this arena moment by moment as a blessin
In October 2018 I acquired my own training facility at Vallartröð 9, Selfoss. The feeling was amazing and at first a little unreal to finally have my own stable and arena to operate and run my business. It's a modest stable with 27 boxes, an indoor riding arena (14*25m), and 10 paddocks. There is a 100 square meters apartment above the stable. There I operate my business today along with my boyfriend Helgi Þór Guðjónsson.
Since I graduated from Hólar in 2011 I have been diligently taking riding lessons to further challenge and develop as a rider and teacher. I sincerely believe it's very important to always be challenged, reeducate, hone, and improve my skills, and have had the opportunity and good fortune to work with many of Iceland's greatest riders.
In 2013 I met the great master Júlio Borba. I will be forever grateful for everything he has shared, taught, and trained me to improve and master my riding skills. Borba is a true horseman and has constantly encouraged me to be myself and to conduct and be professional in my riding. He always had faith in me, even when I doubted myself, he constantly encouraged me to never give up and professed that the art of riding is limitless. I will be forever grateful.
Today, I feel that I’m at my best so far. I was named sport rider of the year 2020 in Iceland. I ride and compete in Meistaradeild, which I really enjoy, and I am honored to participate in the biggest competitions in Iceland. I’m also a proud team member of the Icelandic national team.
I am an active person; I like to make things happen and I am rarely fully satisfied. That can both serve as a blessing and as a curse, but I think that's what got me where I am today; to always do more and to perform better today than yesterday.
My intention is to be fully committed to my life and my profession. The sky has no limit. I want to be a good role model, set trends, break new ground, and constantly challenge myself and others to be the best we can be.